We build websites

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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Friday, June 18, 2021,
You have a website. Traffic is low. Increase organic search hits to your website by ensuring your website is Search Engine Optimized. Contact us to assist with this.
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We build your website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Wednesday, April 14, 2021,
Buiding a website is a simple but also challenging task. This is where we come in.we help you build the site. You can concentrate on running your business.
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Website For the Current Times

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, February 13, 2021,
The pandemic has made it necessary to be able to conduct business online. It is now essential to have a website. Building a website is easy and and affordable now.
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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, February 2, 2020,
When a search is made for a product or service on google , yahoo or bing. The closer the content in your web pages reflects a close answer to the search or question the morel likely your website will show up to the searching entity. Having fresh content on your website is also helpful in getting a good ranking on search engines.
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Business Listing online

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, October 27, 2019,
Getting your business listed in online business directories is very important in getting your website found. This is a cost effective way to assist your marketing plan. Most of these directories are free to list on.
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Business Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, August 17, 2019,
Are you looking to grow your business. Creating a website is a good way to start doing this. Getting a website today is a fairly easy process and one does not have to spend thousands of dollars to do this. Contact helpEdesk.com for assistance in getting this done at an affordable cost and reasonable time frame.
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Small Business Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, July 6, 2019,
A website for your business is necessary to establish your presence as a modern business. Building a website has been made quite manageable with the current technology. You can have your website up and running in one day.The challenge to being on the web is being ranked high by search engines like Google and Bing.. This is the key to being discovered by customers looking for your product or service. Making sure your business is listed everywhere possible is a good place to start. Services suc...
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Affordable Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, March 9, 2019,
Building an affordable website can be an expensive process. We provide a solution that is quick and affordable. You will work with professionals who will produce the website you want to create.
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Business Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, February 17, 2019,
Get your business on the web at an affordable cost. Getting on the web is easy today. Keeping the site updated and fresh is where the necessary work needs to be done.
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Website Thoughts

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, August 20, 2017,
Having a website is an essential requirement in conducting business successfully today. It lets you market your business 24/7. New tools allow you to get a website built fairly easily but it still requires quite a bit of time to do this. We build your website and take this burden off you. We also give you information on powerful resources to use for marketing and helping to optimize the website.

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Easy Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Friday, July 14, 2017,
What an exciting time for small businesses. Getting a website with its tremendous advantages in terms of getting new customers has been made very simple and affordable. A company can do this internally or they sub-contract the work. Programming while helpful is not a necessary requirement anymore. Contact www.helpEdesk.com to begin a conversation.
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Website Needed

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, July 2, 2017,
A website is a very powerful business tool. Access to local nationwide or international clients is afforded to the owner. It is now very easy and affordable to get a website. The beneffits are hard to measure but they are plentiful. One of the benefits is the website is accessible 24/7 with little action required except making sure the information is current and fresh.
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Web notes

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, May 14, 2017,
A website is the new location and face of your business. It gives you access to customers you may not have had doing business from a store front or office. The reach of your offering is only limited by your capabilities. Your business can be local, national or international.
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Website required

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Tuesday, May 2, 2017,
A website is essential to have for any business today. Building an information website is very affordable. This can help you get discovered and lets people know what you do. The value you provide can be conveyed too.
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Grow your business

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Tuesday, February 21, 2017,
Having a website is essential for conducting business today. Research is done online so if your business is not online then you are missing out on potential business. A website also says you have a forward looking business that is current in terms of best business practices.

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Your Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, February 12, 2017,
It is very easy today to get your business website created. You probably could do it yourself but do not have the time. Let us manage this for you while you concentrate on building your business.

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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Tuesday, January 31, 2017,
There are many sites where you can build a website on your own. if you have the time this is fine. Likely you do not have the time required. This is where we come in. We will build your website at an affordable cost and help you maintain it as your business grows. Getting a presence on the internet is a requirement these days in order to conduct business successfully.

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Build A Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Wednesday, November 11, 2015,
It has never been easier to get your business online. A degree in computer science not required. Programming knowledge while helpful not necessary. You need to be online, do not delay anymore contact www.helpEdesk.com and we will get you there.

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Outsourcing Non-Core Functions for Law Firms

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, July 4, 2015,
Many parts work together to make a business successful Sales, Marketing, Administration, Accounting. A business has a core function that is the main reason it exists and has customers. Focus on driving this function is essential for survival and profitability in the long term. A strategy where non core functions are outsourced to professional service providers can make a lot of sense and also create value for the company. In the legal field a new area to outsource is the billing/invoicing fun...
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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Thursday, May 7, 2015,
Creating a website is quite easy today. Templates have taken the place of needing to learn or know HTML and other programming languages. Visit Weebly.com, Wix.com and Yola.com to name a few to see how easy and affordable it is.

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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Wednesday, April 29, 2015,
A number of companies such as Godaddy, Yola, Wix and Weebly now offer easy to use templates to build a website. Programming knowledge is not required to build a website with these. they are also very affordable.

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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, April 12, 2015,
Build a website for your business with custom templates. A number of different template based website companies can be used for this such as Weebly.com  Wix.com and Yola.com. These are affordable and easy to use.

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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, March 28, 2015,
The content on your website the content on your website needs to be current. Having an easy way to do this is an important part of having a website. You should be able to do this without incurring any cost. Contact HelpEdesk.com for more information.

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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, March 15, 2015,
Prospective customers looking for the product or service you provide, will be looking for you on the internet. Your business needs a website to compete in the current environment. If you do not have a website you are giving away potential business to competitors that do have one. Contact HelpEdesk.com to start the process of building a website.

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Your Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Monday, March 9, 2015,
A website is quite easy to build today. Using a service like www.yola.com you can use simple templates to create a business or personal website. Helpedesk.com can also provide information on building a website and using basic processes to be found by people searching for your product or service.

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Management Services

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Tuesday, February 17, 2015,
Management services used to be provided only to the larger companies by the service providers. Today small companies can benefit from this because they are being courted by service providers as a new revenue stream of business. The scope of management services is limited only by what is desired. Nearly all functions within a business can be handled by a management service company. Some businesses are early adopters of these services and others come along later, but all benefit greatly from th...
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Your Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Monday, February 9, 2015,
Whether a business or personal website, the process of building one has been made fairly easy with sites like Yola, Wix and others. Templates are used to help do this, the rest is writing content for your website that states what you or your business are about. Potential customers today are finding who to use for their needs by searching the internet you need to be on the net to have the potential of being discovered.

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The Web Is New Phone Directory

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Friday, January 30, 2015,
Getting business or personal information in an earlier time one would use a phone directory. There was the yellow pages which was the business directory and the white pages which was the personal directory. Today the same information is found on the Web or Internet. It is good business planning to make sure your business is on the Web. This is easily done with today's technology at a very affordable price. Go to www.helpedesk.com for more information..

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Do More For Less

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, January 24, 2015,
Contact HelpEdesk.com to find out how. We are very helpful.

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Your Website

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, January 24, 2015,
Its a new year. Time to get your business on the web. It is very affordable now and also very easy to do with pre-formatted templates. Simple informational sites require no programming knowledge. Contact HelpEdesk.com to move forward.

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Posted by TEGAWOMA on Friday, November 21, 2014,
Recently I found out that car fuel consumpiton gets dramatically increased at the speed of 60MPH. Since I drive a van I decided to drive at 55MPH to see how my MPG performance would change. I saw a significant improvement, but the dramatic improvement came from driving at 50MPH. The only issue at these speeds is that other drivers who are rushing to who know's where are ready to literally drive you off the road. It is hilarious the indignation from them that you would dare go below the  poste...
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Website Is Affordable

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, November 15, 2014,
Having a website used to be an expensive proposition. Today it is affordable, easy to create and also easy to maintain.

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Does Your Business Exist

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Monday, November 3, 2014,
You run a successful business and have been doing so for many years. The clients that you have are loyal and continue doing business with you. New clients that are looking for your product or service, will not be impressed if you do not have a website. Now more so than ever a website is critical for the credentialing and legitimizing of your business. Contact HelpEdesk.com for assistance in getting online today.

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Technical Support

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Saturday, October 25, 2014,
Preventive maintenance steps taken on a PC or Laptop are a good way to have a well working system. These steps can be done without the aid of a PC Technician and are easy to do.

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Exist Online

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Wednesday, October 15, 2014,
Every business needs a website to conduct business today. The website should let prospective customers know the business exists and what products or services  it has to offer. This is now a very affordable proposition, easy to get started and manage ongoing.

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Help Desk gets it done

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Tuesday, October 14, 2014,
The Help Desk website is a place to get assistance with any of your projects. The scope and scale are limited only by your requirements.Over 25 years of business experience is used to guide and develop the project to completion. Very flexible in partnering on the project.

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Customer Service

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Monday, October 13, 2014,
Internal customers are often overlooked by businesses and this is to their own peril. Making sure internal customers are satisfied and their needs are being met is a very important businesses strategy. Hitting the mark on this will ensure external customers will have an engaged team delivering the product or service. Making this a win win for everyone. Interaction with the internal team will reveal much more actionable points, than conducting an annual survey.

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A Website Today

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Tuesday, October 7, 2014,
Building a website is a very simple today. A website is helpful in getting new business and also showing what your business is capable of doing. When potential customers are looking to get something done, they search the web to see which companies they will consider. The old days of looking in the phone book or looking in the yellow pages are rapidly fading away. The cost of getting a website does not have to be in the thousands of dollars, it is very affordable today. Call Robert at 732-500-...
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Another Set of Eyes

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Thursday, October 2, 2014,
As a good business practice, it is always good to review processes and practices to make sure they are in line with keeping the business profitable. Getting a perspective from an outside view will help this occur. Health care expenses is one area where a business should get an outside perspective from the one being given to the business currently.

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Team Loyalty

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Friday, September 12, 2014,
I have managed various sized businesse's for 24 years. One constant theme I have observed is how resources of organizations are usually underutilized. The team that runs operations on a daily basis will have insights into what is working and how processes can be improved resutling in greater productivity. These teams are rarely ever approached for this information and knowledge.

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Affordable Care Act- Medical Plans

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Friday, September 27, 2013,
On Tuesday, October,1 2013 the market place exchanges will open to the public. This will allow you to purchase health insurance for yourself and your family or dependents. Depending on your income you may be eligible for a subsidy to assist with buying the health insurance. There a 4 plans to choose from Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. If you want to save on cost a high deductible health plan (HDHP) probably has the lowest cost. If you combine this with a health savings account (HSA) this ...
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5 Mistakes made on Insurance

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Tuesday, June 18, 2013,
Great article, click on link or past link into your browser


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Employee Benefits

Posted by TEGAWOMA on Sunday, May 26, 2013,

CDHP Consumer Driven Health Plans a way forward for businesses in addressing rising costs of medical plans
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About Me

25 years in the outsourcing industry, providing business services.


About Me

25 years in the outsourcing industry providing business services.

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